Internet Fax
is your one stop resource for all your printing needs.
Download the latest drivers and utilities for your machine,
read FAQs and troubleshooting tips.
Version 0
ꢀ This product is approved for use in the country of purchase only. Do not use this product outside the
country of purchase as it may violate the wireless telecommunication and power regulations of that
ꢀ Windows® XP in this document represents Windows® XP Professional, Windows® XP Professional x64
Edition and Windows® XP Home Edition. Go to the Brother Solutions Center (
for more information on Windows® XP Professional x64 Edition support.
For technical and operational assistance, you must call the country where you purchased the machine. Calls
must be made from within that country.
Table of Contents
Control Panel Key Functions...............................................................................................................2
Receiving an E-mail or Internet Fax ...................................................................................................3
Forwarding Received E-mail and Fax Messages................................................................................4
Error mail.............................................................................................................................................5
Windows Internet printing
Brother Internet Print: Configuring the Brother Print Server................................................................9
Brother Internet Print: Installing the BIP software on Windows 98/98SE/Me/2000/XP/XP
Professional x64 Edition................................................................................................................10
Setup Internet....................................................................................................................................19
Setup Mail TX....................................................................................................................................22
Setup Relay.......................................................................................................................................24
Internet FAX
Internet Faxing (I-Fax) allows you to send and receive FAX documents using the Internet as the transport
mechanism. Documents are transmitted in E-mail messages as attached TIFF-F files. This means that PC’s
are also able to receive and send documents, providing that the PC has as an application that can generate
and view TIFF-F files, you can use Microsoft® Imaging or a TIFF-F viewer application. Any documents sent
via the machine will automatically be converted into a TIFF-F format. If you wish to send and receive
messages to and from your machine, your mail application on the PC must be able to support the MIME
Relay Fax
(G3 TX)
Intenet Fax
Relay E-mail
I-Fax is available in Black & White only.
Getting Connected
Before sending or receiving an Internet Fax you must configure your Brother machine to communicate with
your network and mail server. You must ensure the following: a correctly configured IP address for your
machine, an E-mail address for your machine, the mail server(s) IP address, mailbox name and password for
your Brother machine. If you are unsure of any of these items, please contact your systems Administrator.
Internet FAX
Control Panel Key Functions
Search/Speed Dial + 1
Used to change input mode. You can use Dial Pad keys as Standard alphabet character key(26 letters), as
well as @. space ! “ # % & ’ () + / : ; < > = ? [ ] ^ - $ , _ and Numbers.
Search/Speed Dial + 3
To change between upper case and lower case for entering the E-mail/ I-Fax address.
d or c
Moves the LCD cursor to the left or right when you enter text.
Used to store multiple numbers.
Begins transmitting the document.
Deletes entered data and stops the scanning or transmitting process.
Search/Speed Dial
These functions work the same way as with conventional machine’s. However, please note that you cannot
use chain dialling for E-mail addresses.
Search/Speed Dial + Mono Start
Used to receive E-mail from the POP3 server manually.
Search/Speed-Dial functions work the same way as with conventional machine’s. However, please note
that you cannot use chain dialling for E-mail addresses.
Sending an Internet Fax
Sending an Internet Fax is the same as sending a normal Fax. If you have already programmed the
addresses of the destination Internet Fax machines as Speed-Dial locations, you can send the Internet Fax
by loading the document into the machine, use the Fax Resolution key to set the preferred resolution and
select a Speed-Dial number and pressing Mono Start.
If you wish to manually enter the Internet Fax Address load the document into the machine and press
Search/Speed Dial and 1 simultaneously to change into the “alphabet” dialling mode.
Internet FAX
If you specify more than 16 characters, the LCD panel will scroll the name to the left character by character.
You can enter up to 60 characters.
a Press Mono Start to send the document.
After the document is scanned, it is transmitted to the Recipient Internet Fax Machine automatically via
your SMTP server. You can cancel the send operation by pressing the Stop/Exit button during scanning.
After the transmission has finished, the machine will return to standby mode. See
Setup Internet on page 19
Some E-mail servers do not allow you to send large E-mail documents (the System Administrator will
often place a limit on the maximum E-mail size). You can enable the Limit Size of the Sent Mail feature
documents over 1Mbyte in size. The document will not be sent and an error report will be printed. The
document you are sending should be separated into smaller documents that will be accepted by the mail
server. You can turn on this feature through the LAN function menu.
Receiving an E-mail or Internet Fax
There are 2 ways you can receive E-mail messages:
ꢀ POP3 receiving at regular intervals
ꢀ POP3 receiving (manually initiated)
Using POP3 receiving the machine must poll the E-mail server to receive the print jobs (See
Setup Internet on page 19). This polling can occur at set intervals (for example, you can configure the
machine to poll the E-mail server at 10 minute intervals, see Poll Frequency on page 21) or you can manually
poll the server by pressing the Search/Speed Dial + Mono Start button.
If your machine starts to receive E-mail print jobs, the LCD panel will reflect this activity. For example, you
will see Receivingon the LCD panel followed by “xx E-mail(S)”. If you press the Search/Speed Dial +
Mono Start button to manually poll the E-mail server for E-mail print jobs and there are no mail documents
waiting to be printed, the machine will display No Mail on the LCD panel for two seconds.
If your machine is out of paper when receiving data, the received data will be held in the machine's memory.
To print this data, press Mono Start after paper is re-inserted into the machine. (For Chinese machines,
Memory receive must be switched “ON”.)
If the received mail is not in a plain text format or an attached file is not in the TIFF-F format, the following
error message will be printed: ATTACHED FILE FORMAT NOT SUPPORTED. FILE NAME:XXXXXX.doc. If
the received mail is too large, the following error message will be printed: E-MAIL FILE TOO LARGE. If Delete
POP Receive Error Mail is On (default) then error mail is automatically deleted from the E-mail Server (See
Receiving an Internet Fax to a PC
When a PC receives an Internet Fax document, the document is attached to a mail message that informs the
PC that it has received a document from an Internet Fax. This is notified in the Subject field of the received
Internet FAX
If the PC to which you wish to send a document is not running Windows® 98/98SE/Me/2000/XP/XP
Professional x64 Edition operating system, please inform the PC's owner that they must install some software
that can view TIFF-F files.
You can use “Microsoft® Imaging” that is supplied with Windows® 98/Me/2000 and Windows “Picture and
Fax Viewer” with WIndows XP/XP Professional x64 Edition.
Forwarding Received E-mail and Fax Messages
You can forward received E-mail or standard fax messages to another E-mail address or fax machine.
Received messages can be forwarded via E-mail to a PC or Internet Fax. They can also be forwarded via
standard phone lines to another machine.
The setting can be enabled through the the machine’s control panel. The steps for configuring Fax Forward
can be found in the User’s Guide supplied with your machine.
Please see the User’s Guide included with the machine to check that this feature is supported.
TX Verification Mail
Transmission Verification Mail supports two separate functions. Verification Mail for sending allows you
request notification from the receiving station that the I-Fax or E-mail was received and processed.
Verification Mail for receiving allows you to transmit a default report back to the sending station after
successfully receiving and processing an I-Fax or E-mail.
To use this feature you must set the Notification option within the Setup Mail RX and Setup Mail TX
Setup Mail (TX)
You can set the Notification option in the Setup Mail TX option to either ON or OFF. When switched to ON
an additional field of information is sent with the image data. This field is named MDN (See
Mail Disposition Notification - This field requests the status of the I-Fax / E-mail message after delivery
through the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) transport system. Once the message has arrived at the
Receiving station this data is used when the machine or user reads or prints the received I-Fax or E-mail. For
example, if the message is opened for reading or is printed the receiving station sends back a notification to
the original sending machine or user.
The receiving station must support the MDN field in order to be able to send a notification report, otherwise
the request will be ignored.
Internet FAX
Setup Mail (RX)
There are three possible settings for this option ON/MDN/OFF.
ꢀ Receive Notification “ON”
When switched to “ON” a fixed message is sent back to the sending station to indicate successful
reception and processing of the message. These fixed messages depend on the operation requested by
the sending station.
Report messages consist of
SUCCESS : Received From <mail address>
ꢀ Receive Notification “MDN”
When switched to “MDN” a report as described above is sent back to the sending station if the originating
station sent the “MDN” field to request confirmation.
ꢀ Receive Notification “OFF”
OFF - Switches all forms of receive notification OFF, no messages are send back to the sending station
Error mail
If there is a mail delivery error while sending an Internet Fax, the mail server will send an error message back
to the machine and the error message will be printed. If there is an error while receiving mail, an error
message will be printed (Example: “The message being sent to the machine was not in a TIFF-F format.”).
Relay Broadcasting
This function allows the Brother machine to receive a document over the Internet, and then relay it to other
If you wish to use your machine as a relay broadcast device, you must specify the domain name that you trust
at the machine, in other words, the portion of the domain after the ‘@’ sign (See Relay Domain on page 24).
A trusted domain refers to the E-mail address. For example, if the other party’s address is,
then we identify the domain as If the E-mail address is, then we identify the
domain as
Use care in selecting a trusted domain since any user on a trusted domain will be able to send a Relay
Broadcast. You can register up to 5 domain names.
Relay Broadcast can support the relay of a document up to a maximum of 48 fax machines through
conventional telephone lines.
Internet FAX
Relay Broadcast from a machine
In this example, your machine has an E-mail address of, you wish to send a document
from this machine to another machine in England with an E-mail address of, this
machine will then forward the document to a standard fax machine using a conventional telephone line. If
your E-mail address is, you must configure a trusted domain name of on the
machine in England that will broadcast the document to the conventional fax machine. If you do not enter the
domain name information, then the machine in the middle (the machine that will broadcast the document) will
not trust any internet jobs that it receives from the machine in the domain.
After the trusted domain is set you can send the document from your machine [I.E.] by
entering the E-mail address of the machine [I.E.] that will forward the document
followed by the phone number of the fax that will receive the document. The following is an example of how
to enter the E-mail address and phone number. (fax#123456789)
Fax Phone Number
E-mail address
The word "fax#" must be
included with the phone
number inside the parenthesis.
Sending to multiple phone numbers:
If you want to have the document relayed to more than one standard fax machine the address can be entered
using the following method:
a Enter the phone number of the first Fax machine
b Press OK.
c Enter the phone number of the second Fax machine
d Press Mono Start.
Internet FAX
Relay Broadcast from a PC
Your PC
Internet (fax#123456789)
You can also send E-mail from your PC and have it relayed to a conventional FAX machine. The method of
entering the phone number of the conventional FAX machine that will receive the relayed E-mail will vary
depending on the mail application you are using. The following are some examples of different mail
Some E-mail applications do not support sending to multiple phone numbers. If your E-mail application
cannot support multiple phone numbers you will only be able to relay to one Fax machine at a time.
Enter the address of the relay machine and phone number of the FAX in the “TO” box using the same method
used when sending from a machine.
Outlook 97/98/2000/2002/2003:
The address information must be entered into the address book as follows:
ꢀ Name: fax#123456789
ꢀ E-mail Address:
Important information on Internet Fax
Internet Fax Communication on a LAN system is basically the same as communication via E-mail; however,
it is different from Fax communication using standard phone lines. The following is important information for
using Internet Fax:
ꢀ Factors such as the receiver’s location, structure of the LAN system, and how busy the circuit (such as the
internet) is, may cause the system to take a long time to send back an error mail. (normally 20 sec. to 30
ꢀ In the case of transmission through the Internet, due to its low level of security, we recommend that you
use standard phone lines to send confidential documents.
ꢀ If the receiver’s mail system is not compatible with the MIME format, you cannot transmit a document to
the receiver. Depending on receiver’s server, there may be some cases in which the error mail will not be
sent back.
ꢀ If the size of a document’s image data is huge, there is a possibility of unsuccessful transmission.
ꢀ You cannot change the font and character size of Internet mail that you receive.
Windows® Internet printing
Internet Printing Installation
Brother Internet Print (BIP) software for Windows® 98/98SE/Me/2000/XP/XP Professional x64 Edition it
allows a PC user at one location to send a print job to a Brother Printer at a remote location via the Internet.
For example, a user on a PC in New York could print a document directly from their Microsoft Excel
application program to a printer in Paris. The Brother Internet Print software is located on the CD-ROM
included with your machine.
Brother Internet Print General Information
The BIP software is installed using a standard Windows® 98/98SE/Me/2000/XP/XP Professional x64 Edition
Installation Wizard. It creates a virtual port on the PC that operates in a similar way to the standard LPT1
printer port from the application program point of view. The user can use the Print Manager to create a printer
that uses this port along with a standard Windows® 98/98SE/Me/2000/XP/XP Professional x64 Edition
compatible printer. Any Windows® 98/98SE/Me/2000/XP/XP Professional x64 Edition applications program
can therefore print to this printer (and hence to the virtual port) without modification or operational procedure.
When a job is printed to the BIP virtual port, it is actually MIME-encoded (converted to a standard Internet
E-mail message) and sent out to a Brother print server at the remote location. This means that BIP is
compatible with most common E-mail software packages. The only requirement is that the E-mail server be
capable of sending E-mail message over the Internet.
In more detail, the procedure works in the following way:
ꢀ If you are connected to a Local Area Network, the E-mail message is passed to the E-mail server, which
in turn transmits the message out over the Internet using the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) to the
remote print server.
ꢀ If you are connecting via a modem directly to an Internet Service Provider (ISP), the ISP handles the
routing of the E-mail to the remote print server.
ꢀ At the remote site, an E-mail server receives the E-mail message. The remote Print/Fax server, which has
its own E-mail address, uses the POP3 protocol (Post Office Protocol 3) to download the E-mail message
from the E-mail server. It then decodes the attachment and prints it out on the printer.
If an E-mail is received that has not been configured to use the BIP virtual port driver, the printer will print
the E-mail out as a text document.
Windows Internet printing
Brother Internet Print: Configuring the Brother Print Server
The print server can be configured using the BRAdmin Professional utility.
Print Server Configuration Checklist
Before configuring the print server to receive BIP jobs, be sure that the E-mail server at the remote site
(the receiving end) is configured to handle the TCP/IP POP3, and SMTP (SMTP is only required if the
notification feature is enabled).
a Configure the POP3 server on the E-mail server at the remote site with a mail account (Mailbox name)
and password for the Brother print server (generally, the mail account name will be the first part of the
E-mail address; for example, if you assign the E-mail address, then the mail
b Make sure that the print server is installed and running with TCP/IP enabled and has a valid IP address
Because access to the E-mail server on most networks is usually restricted, you may need to have your
Network Administrator check the configuration and add the mail account.
Brother Internet Print: Using the BRAdmin Professional utility to Configure the
Print Server
Using the BRAdmin Professional utility, you can configure the Brother print server using the TCP/IP
The steps required to configure the print server to receive print jobs from a Windows®
98/98SE/Me/2000/XP/XP Professional x64 Edition PC running the BIP software are as follows.
a Start the BRAdmin Professional utility.
b Select the Node Name of the desired Brother print server from the list and double click on it. (the default
node name is usually BRN_xxxxxx, where xxxxxxis the last six digits of the Ethernet address (MAC
address). You will be prompted for a password; the default password is “access”.
You can find the node name and MAC address by printing out the machine configuration page. For
information on how to print the configuration page on your print server, see Printing the Network
c Click on the POP3/SMTP tab.
d Enter the address of the POP3 server (consult your Network Administrator if you do not know this
Windows Internet printing
e Enter the POP3 Account Name for the remote Brother print server. Usually this will be the first part of
the E-mail address (for example, if the E-mail address of the print server is, then
the POP3 Account Name would be emailprinter).
f Enter the password for the mailbox, if any.
g The print server is configured by default to poll the POP3 server every 10 minutes. You may change this
value, if desired.
h If you have enabled notification, enter the address of your SMTP server (consult your Network
Administrator if you do not know this address).
i Press the OK button and save the changes. Now exit the BRAdmin Professional utility. You have now
configured the print server to receive print jobs.
Brother Internet Print: Installing the BIP software on Windows®
98/98SE/Me/2000/XP/XP Professional x64 Edition
To install the BIP software on a PC, execute the following steps:
• Be sure that the PC is running an E-mail program (for example, Microsoft Outlook) that is capable of
sending E-mail message using Winsock.
• Be sure that your E-mail server is capable of sending messages across the Internet.
Setup from CD-ROM
a Start the CD-ROM installation menu program according to the Quick Setup Guide.
b Select the model and Install Other Drivers or Utilities menu. Then select Network Print Software
installation program.
c Click the Next button in response to the Welcome message.
d Select the Brother Internet Print button.
e Select the desired directory to install the BIP files and then click Next. The installation program will create
the directory for you if it does not already exist.
f You will then be asked for a port name. Enter the name of the port. The port name must begin with BIP
and end with a number, for example, BIP1.
g Press OK to continue.
h You will then be asked to enter the port settings for the remote print server:
Enter any unique legal Internet E-mail address for the remote print server (for example Note that Internet E-mail addresses cannot have spaces in them.
Enter your E-mail address and the IP address of your SMTP E-mail server (consult your Network
Administrator if you do not know this address). Also specify if you are going to use the
Partial E-mail Print option and the Notification type.
Windows Internet printing
i Press OK to continue. You will then be asked to re-start your computer.
j Once your computer has re-started you must create a printer on your Windows®
98/98SE/Me/2000/XP/XP Professional x64 Edition system using the standard Windows® printer setup
procedure. To do this, go the Start button and select Settings and then Printers (Windows®
98/98SE/Me/2000). For Windows® XP/XP Professional x64 Edition users, go to the Start button, select
Printers and Faxes.
k Select Add Printer (or Add a Printer for Windows® XP/XP Professional x64 Edition) to begin the printer
l Click Next when you get the Add Printer Wizard window.
m Depending on the OS-version you are using, the operations differ. Do one of the following.
ꢀ For Windows® 98/98SE/Me users
Select Local Printer when you are asked how the printers are connected to your computer and click
ꢀ For Windows® 2000/XP/XP Professional x64 Edition users
Select Local Printer and delete the check mark in Plug and Play check box. Then click Next.
n Depending on the OS-version you are using, the operations differ. Do one of the following.
ꢀ For Windows® 98/98SE/Me users
1 Select the desired model of the remote printer (for example, Brother HL-series). If necessary, click
Have Disk to load the driver from the CD-ROM. Click Next when you are done.
2 If you have selected a printer driver that is already being used, you have the option of either
keeping the existing driver (recommended) or replacing it. Select the desired option and press
ꢀ For Windows® 2000/XP/XP Professional x64 Edition users
2 Select the desired model of the remote printer (for example, Brother HL-series). If necessary, click
Have Disk to load the driver from the CD-ROM. Click Next when you are done.
3 If you have selected a printer driver that is already being used, you have the option of either
keeping the existing driver (recommended) or replacing it. Select the desired option and press
4 Enter any desired name for the BIP remote printer and press Next. Note that this name does not
5 Select No when asked if you want to print a test page, unless you have already configured the
remote print server to receive BIP print jobs.
You have now finished installing the BIP software. If you need to configure another remote print server, go to
Windows Internet printing
Adding a Second Brother Internet Port
You should not re-run the install program to add a new Brother Internet Port. Instead, press the Start button,
select Settings, and open the Printers window. Click on the icon of a printer that is using BIP, select File
from the menu bar, and then choose Properties. Click on the Details (Ports on Windows® 2000/XP/XP
Professional x64 Edition) tab and click the Add Port button.
In the Add Port dialog, select the Other radio button (Windows® 98/98SE/Me only) and then
Brother Internet Port. Click OK (New Port on Windows® 2000/XP/XP Professional x64 Edition) and it will
give you the Port Name text box. Any unique name can be given here as long as it starts with “BIP” and
another port does not already exist with the same name.
Other sources of information
Visit Microsoft’s web site for the “Microsoft Internet Print Services” software for Windows® 98/98SE/Me.
Control panel setup
LAN menu
The control panel LAN menu section can be used to configure network settings.
Press Menu, 5 for LAN and then proceed to the menu selection you wish to configure.
Please note that the machine is supplied with the BRAdmin Professional Windows® software, BRAdmin Light
Macintosh® software and RemoteSetup which also can be used to configure network settings (See the
Network User’s Guide located on the CD-ROM included with your machine).
If you already installed your machine for a network connection following the steps in the Quick Setup Guide
then the TCP/IP settings have already been configured. You should only need to configure the Internet
Setup TCP/IP
This menu has nine sections: Boot Method, IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, Node Name,
WINS Config, WINS Server, DNS Serverand APIPA.
BOOT Method
This selection controls how the machine obtains the IP address for itself. The default setting is Auto.
a Press Menu, 5, 1, 1.
b Press a or b to select Auto, Static, RARP, BOOTPor DHCP.
c Press OK.
d Press Stop/Exit.
Auto mode
In this mode, the machine will scan the network for a DHCP server, if it can find one, and if the DHCP server
is configured to allocate an IP address to the machine, then the IP address supplied by the DHCP server will
be used. If no DHCP server is available, then the machine will scan for a BOOTP server. If a BOOTP server
is available, and it is configured correctly, the machine will take its IP address from the BOOTP server. If a
BOOTP server is not available, the machine will scan for a RARP server. If a RARP server also does not
answer, the IP Address is scanned through the APIPA facility. After it is initially powered ON, it may take a
few minutes for the machine to scan the network for a server.
Control panel setup
DHCP mode
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is one of several automated mechanisms for IP address
allocation. If you have a DHCP server in your network (typically a UNIX®, Windows® 2000/XP network) the
print server will automatically obtain its IP address from a DHCP server and register its name with any RFC
1001 and 1002 compliant dynamic name services.
• If you do not want your print server configured via DHCP, BOOTP or RARP, you must set the BOOT
METHOD to static, this will prevent the print server from trying to obtain an IP address from any of these
systems. To change the BOOT METHOD, use the machine’s control panel or the BRAdmin
Professional utility.
• On smaller networks, the DHCP server may be the Router.
Static mode
In this mode the machine’s IP address must be manually assigned. Once entered the IP address is locked to
the assigned address.
RARP mode
The Brother print server IP address can be configured using the Reverse ARP (RARP) service on your host
computer. This is done by editing the /etc/ethers file (if this file does not exist, you can create it) with an entry
similar to the following:
00:80:77:31:01:07 BRN_310107
Where the first entry is the Ethernet address of the print server and the second entry is the name of the print
server (the name must be the same as the one you put in the /etc/hosts file).
If the rarp daemon is not already running, start it (depending on the system the command can be rarpd, rarpd
-a, in.rarpd -a or something else; type man rarpd or refer to your system documentation for additional
information). To verify that the rarp daemon is running on a Berkeley UNIX® based system, type the following
ps -ax | grep -v grep | grep rarpd
For AT&T UNIX® based systems, type:
ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep rarpd
The Brother print server will get the IP address from the rarp daemon when it is powered on.
BOOTP mode
BOOTP is an alternative to rarp that has the advantage of allowing configuration of the subnet mask and
gateway. In order to use BOOTP to configure the IP address make sure that BOOTP is installed and running
on your host computer (it should appear in the /etc/services file on your host as a real service; type man
bootpd or refer to your system documentation for information). BOOTP is usually started up via the
/etc/inetd.conf file, so you may need to enable it by removing the “#” in front of the bootp entry in that file. For
example, a typical bootp entry in the /etc/inetd.conf file would be:
#bootp dgram udp wait /usr/etc/bootpd bootpd -i
Control panel setup
Depending on the system, this entry might be called “bootps” instead of “bootp”.
In order to enable BOOTP, simply use an editor to delete the “#” (if there is no “#”, then BOOTP is already
enabled). Then edit the BOOTP configuration file (usually /etc/bootptab) and enter the name, network type
(1 for Ethernet), Ethernet address and the IP address, subnet mask and gateway of the print server.
Unfortunately, the exact format for doing this is not standardized, so you will need to refer to your system
documentation to determine how to enter this information (many UNIX® systems also have template
examples in the bootptab file that you can use for reference). Some examples of typical /etc/bootptab entries
BRN_310107 1 00:80:77:31:01:07
Certain BOOTP host software implementations will not respond to BOOTP requests if you have not included
a download filename in the configuration file; if this is the case, simply create a null file on the host and specify
the name of this file and its path in the configuration file.
As with rarp, the print server will load its IP address from the BOOTP server when the printer is powered on.
IP Address
This field displays the current IP address of the machine. If you have selected a BOOT Method of Static, enter
the IP address that you wish to assign to the machine (check with your network administrator for the IP
address to use). If you have selected a method other than Static, the machine will attempt to determine its IP
address using the DHCP or BOOTP protocols. The default IP address of your machine will probably be
incompatible with the IP address numbering scheme of your network. We recommend that you contact your
network administrator for an IP address for the network the unit will be connected on.
a Press Menu, 5, 1, 2.
b Select 1 to change. Enter the IP address.
c Press OK.
d Press Stop/Exit.
Control panel setup
Subnet Mask
This field displays the current subnet mask used by the machine. If you are not using DHCP or BOOTP to
obtain the subnet mask, enter the desired subnet mask. Check with your network administrator for the subnet
mask to use.
a Press Menu, 5, 1, 3.
b Select 1 to change. Enter the Subnet Mask address.
c Press OK.
d Press Stop/Exit.
This field displays the current gateway or router address used by the machine. If you are not using DHCP or
BOOTP to obtain the gateway or router address, enter the address you wish to assign. If you do not have a
gateway or router, leave this field blank. Check with your network administrator if you are unsure.
a Press Menu, 5, 1, 4.
b Select 1 to change. Enter the Gateway address.
c Press OK.
d Press Stop/Exit.
Node Name
You can register the machine name on the Network. This name is often referred to as a NetBIOS name; it will
be the name that is registered by the WINS server on your network. Brother recommends the name
BRN_xxxxxx (where xxxxxx is the last six digits of the Ethernet address) (up to 15 characters).
a Press Menu, 5, 1, 5.
b Select 1 to change. Enter the Node Name.
c Press OK.
d Press Stop/Exit.
Control panel setup
WINS Config
This selection controls how the machine obtains the IP address of the WINS server.
a Press Menu, 5, 1, 6.
b Press a or b to select Autoor Static.
c Press OK.
d Press Stop/Exit.
Automatically uses a DHCP request to determine the IP addresses for the primary and secondary WINS
servers. You must set the BOOT Method to Auto for this feature to work.
Uses a specified IP address for the primary and secondary WINS servers.
WINS Server
Primary WINS Server IP Address
This field specifies the IP address of the primary WINS (Windows® Internet Naming Service) server. If set to
a non-zero value, the machine will contact this server to register its name with the Windows® Internet Name
Secondary WINS Server IP Address
This field specifies the IP address of the secondary WINS server. It is used as a backup to the Primary WINS
server address. If the Primary server is unavailable, the machine can still register itself with a secondary
server. If set to a non-zero value, the machine will contact this server to register its name with the Windows®
Internet Name Service. If you have a primary WINS server, but no secondary WINS server, simply leave this
field blank.
a Press Menu, 5, 1, 7.
b Press a or b to select Primaryor Secondary.
c Press OK.
d Enter the WINS Server address.
e Press OK.
f Press Stop/Exit.
Control panel setup
DNS Server
Primary DNS Server IP Address
This field specifies the IP address of the primary DNS (Domain Name Service) server.
Secondary DNS Server IP Address
This field specifies the IP address of the secondary DNS server. It is used as a backup to the Primary DNS
server address. If the Primary server is unavailable, the machine will contact the Secondary DNS server.
a Press Menu, 5, 1, 8.
b Press a or b to select Primaryor Secondary.
c Press OK.
d Enter the DNS Server address.
e Press OK.
f Press Stop/Exit.
The setting of On will cause the print server to automatically allocate a Link-Local IP address in the range
( - when the print server cannot obtain an IP address through the BOOT
Method you have set (see BOOT Method on page 13). Selecting Off means the IP address doesn’t change,
when the print server cannot obtain an IP address through the BOOT Method you have set.
a Press Menu, 5, 1, 9.
b Press a or b to select Onor Off.
c Press OK.
d Press Stop/Exit.
Control panel setup
Setup Internet
This menu has five selections: Mail Address, SMTP Server, POP3 Server, Mailbox Nameand
Mailbox Pwd. These settings must be configured for the I-Fax feature to work.
Mail Address
This field displays the E-mail address that you can set for the machine.
a Press Menu, 5, 2, 1.
b Select 1 to change. Enter the mail address. Press OK.
c Press Stop/Exit.
Entering text
You can access the character you want by repeatedly pressing the appropriate number key. For more
SMTP server
This field displays the Node Name or IP address of an SMTP mail server (outgoing E-mail Server) on your
network. (Ex, -or-
a Press Menu, 5, 2, 2.
b Press a or b to select Nameor IP address.
c Enter the SMTP SERVER Address.
d Press OK.
e Press Stop/Exit.
Control panel setup
POP3 server
This field displays the Node Name or IP address of the POP3 server (incoming E-mail server) used by the
Brother machine. This address is necessary for the Internet Fax features to function correctly.(Ex, -or-
a Press Menu, 5, 2, 3.
b Press a or b to select Nameor IP address.
c Enter the POP3 Server Address.
d Press OK.
e Press Stop/Exit.
Mailbox Name
You can specify the mailbox name created on the POP3 server where the I-Fax or internet print jobs are to
be retrieved from.
a Press Menu, 5, 2, 4.
b Enter the user account name (mailbox name) assigned to the Brother machine on the POP3 Server.
c Press OK.
d Press Stop/Exit.
Mailbox Pwd
You can specify the password for access to the mailbox on the POP3 server where the I-Fax or internet print
jobs are to be retrieved from.
a Press Menu, 5, 2, 5.
b Enter the user password assigned to the mailbox for the machine that will login to the POP3 Server.
Please note that this password is case sensitive.
c Press OK.
d Press OK again to verify the password.
e Press Stop/Exit.
To set no password, enter a single space.
Control panel setup
Setup Mail RX
This menu has five selections Auto Polling, Poll Frequency, Header, Del Error Mailand
Auto Polling
When set to On, the Brother machine will automatically check the POP3 server for new messages.
a Press Menu, 5, 3, 1.
b Press a or b to select Onor Off.
c Press OK.
d Press Stop/Exit.
Poll Frequency
Sets the interval for checking for new messages on the POP3 server (default is 10Min).
a Press Menu, 5, 3, 2.
b Enter the polling frequency.
c Press OK.
d Press Stop/Exit.
This selection allows the contents of the mail header to be printed when the received message is printed
(Subject+From+Toor Allor None).
a Press Menu, 5, 3, 3.
b Press a or b to select All or Subject+From+Toor None.
c Press OK.
d Press Stop/Exit.
Control panel setup
Del Error Mail
When set to On, the machine automatically deletes error mails that the machine can not receive from the POP
a Press Menu, 5, 3, 4.
b Press a or b to select On or Off.
c Press OK.
d Press Stop/Exit.
The notification feature allows a receive notification message to be transmitted to the sending station to
indicate successful reception of the I-Fax.
When switched to “ON” a fixed message is sent back to the sending station to indicate successful reception
and processing of the message. These fixed messages depend on the operation requested by the sending
Report messages consist of
SUCCESS : Received From <mail address>
When switched to “MDN” a report as described above is sent back to the sending station if the originating
station sent the “MDN” field to request confirmation.
a Press Menu, 5, 3, 5.
b Press a or b to select On or MDNor Off.
c Press OK.
d Press Stop/Exit.
Setup Mail TX
This field displays the subject that is attached to the Internet Fax data being sent from the Brother machine
to a PC (default is “Internet Fax Job”).
Sender Subject
a Press Menu, 5, 4, 1.
b Select 1 to change the Sender Subject—OR—2 to exit.
c Enter the subject information.
d Press OK.
e Press Stop/Exit.
Control panel setup
Size Limit
Some E-mail servers do not allow you to send large E-mail documents(the System Administrator will often
place a limit on the maximum E-mail size). With this function enabled, the machine will display Out of Memory
when trying to send E-mail documents over 1Mbyte in size. The document will not be sent and an error report
will be printed. The document you are sending should be separated into smaller documents that will be
accepted by the mail server. (For example, a 42 page document based on the ITU-T Test Chart#1 test chart
is approximately 1Mbyte in size).
a Press Menu, 5, 4, 2.
b Press a or b to select On or Off.
c Press OK.
d Press Stop/Exit.
The notification feature allows a confirmation of receipt message to be transmitted to the sending station
when the I-Fax has been received.
When switched to ON an additional field of information is sent with the image data. This field is named MDN
Mail Disposition Notification - This field requests the status of the I-Fax / E-mail message after delivery
through the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) transport system. Once the message has arrived at the
Receiving station this data is used when the machine or user reads or prints the received I-Fax or E-mail. For
example, if the message is opened for reading or is printed the receiving station sends back a notification to
the original sending machine or user.
The receiving station must support the MDN field in order to be able to send a notification report, otherwise
the request will be ignored.
a Press Menu, 5, 4, 3.
b Press a or b to select On or Off.
c Press OK.
d Press Stop/Exit.
Control panel setup
Setup Relay
This menu has three selections Rly Broadcast, Relay Domain and Relay Report. For more information on
Rly Broadcast
a Press Menu, 5, 5, 1.
b Press a or b to select On or Off.
c Press OK.
d Press Stop/Exit.
Relay Domain
You can register the Domain Names (Max.5) that are allowed to request a Relay Broadcast.
a Press Menu, 5, 5, 2.
b Press a or b to select the Relay Domain (01 - 05).
c Press OK.
d Enter the Relay Domain name for the Domain that is being allowed to request a Relay Broadcast.
e Press OK.
f Press Stop/Exit.
Relay Report
A Relay Broadcast Report can be printed at the machine that will act as a Relay Station for all Relay
Broadcasts. When the machine is used with the Brother Network PC Fax software the machine is also acting
as a Relay Station for fax transmissions from the network. This means that a Relay Report can also be printed
for confirmation of sent network faxes. (For US / Canada only)
Its primary function is to print reports of any relayed broadcasts that have been sent through the machine.
Please note: in order to use this function, you must assign the relay domain in the "Trusted Domains" section
of the Relay function settings.
a Press Menu, 5, 5, 3.
b Press a or b to select On or Off.
c Press OK.
d Press Stop/Exit.
Control panel setup
Setup Misc.
Ethernet link mode. Auto allows the print server to operate in 100BASE-TX full or half duplex, or in 10BASE-
T full or half duplex mode by auto negotiation.
100BASE-TX Full Duplex (100B-FD) or Half Duplex (100B-HD) and 10BASE-T Full Duplex (10B-FD) or Half
Duplex (10B-HD) fix the print server link mode. This change is valid after the print server has been reset
(default is Auto).
If you incorrectly set this value, you may not be able to communicate with your print server.
a Press Menu, 5, 6, 1.
b Press a or b to select Auto/100B-FD/100B-HD/10B-FD/10B-HD.
c Press OK.
d Press Stop/Exit.
Control panel setup
Time Zone
This field displays your country time zone. The time shown is the time difference between your country and
Greenwich Mean Time. For example, the Time Zone for Eastern Time in the USA and Canada is UTC-05:00.
a Press Menu, 5, 6, 2.
b Press a or b to enter the time.
c Press OK.
d Press Stop/Exit.
Windows® Time Zone Setting
You can determine the time difference for your location by using the Time Zone setting in Windows®.
a Click on Start.
b Select Settings / Control Panel.
c Double click on Date/Time.
d Select Time Zone.
e Verify your time zone setting from the pull-down menu (this menu displays the time difference from
Control panel setup
Scan to E-mail (E-mail server)
Black and Whilte File Type for Scan to E-mail (E-mail server)
You can select the default Black and White file type (TIFF or PDF) for the Scan to E-mail (E-mail server)
a Press Menu, 5, 7, 1.
b Press a or b to select TIFF.or PDF.
c Press OK.
d Press Stop/Exit.
Colour File Type for Scan to E-mail (E-mail server)
You can select the default colour file type (PDF or JPEG) for the Scan to E-mail (E-mail server) function.
a Press Menu, 5, 7, 2.
b Press a or b to select PDF.or JPEG.
c Press OK.
d Press Stop/Exit.
Printing the Network Configuration List
Node name: Node name appears in the Network Configuration List. The default Node name is
“BRN_xxxxxx” (“xxxxxx” is the last six digits of Ethernet address.).
The Network Configuration List prints a report listing all the current network configuration including the
network print server settings.
a Press Menu, 6, 6.
b Press Mono Start or Colour Start
c Press Stop/Exit.
Control panel setup
Restoring the network settings to factory default
If you wish to reset the print server back to its default factory settings (resetting all information such as the
password and IP address information), please follow these steps:
This function restores all network settings to the factory default.
a Make sure the machine is not operating, then disconnect all the cables from the machine (except the
power cable).
b Press Menu, 5, 0.
c Press 1 to select 1.Reset.
d Press 1 to select 1.Yes.
e The machine will re-start. You can now reconnect the network cable and configure the network settings
to work with your network.
Appendix A
Entering text
When you are setting certain menu selections, such as the Station ID, you may need to enter text into the
machine. Most number keys have three or four letters printed on keys. The keys for 0, # and l do not have
printed letters because they are used for special characters.
By pressing the correct number key repeatedly, you can access the character you want.
To change the mode between upper case and lower case, press Search/Speed Dial + 3.
Press Key
one time
two times three times four times
Putting spaces
To enter a space in a fax number, press c once between numbers. To enter a space in a name, press c twice
between characters.
Making corrections
If you entered an incorrect letter and want to change it, press d to move the cursor under the incorrect letter.
Press Clear/Back. Re-enter the correct letter. You can also back up and type over incorrect letters.
Repeating letters
If you need to enter a letter that is on the same key as the letter before, press c to move the cursor to the
right before you press the key again.
Special characters and symbols
Press l or #, and then press d or c to move the cursor under the special character or symbol you want.
Then press OK to choose it.
Press l for
Press # for
(space) ! “ # $ % & ’ () * + , - . /
: ; <= > ? @ [ ] ^ _
Windows 2000 .......................................................... 8
Windows XP ............................................................. 8
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition ...................... 8
WINS Server ............................................................. 17
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